The Wages of Sin

By now we have all heard that Mark Madoff, son of infamous swindler Bernie Madoff, committed suicide on the second anniversary of his father's arrest.

I would be willing to make a massive bet that Mark Madoff is just another victim, and not a criminal, in this "scam of the century". My bet is the elder Madoff would never have involved his sons, and incompetent or not is not the issue.  It is not illegal to be an incompetent rich kid. I know lots and lots of them, and they don't deserve to end their lives at the end of a dog's leash tied to a pipe. The sins of the father have now been visited on the sons AND grandsons... but we should all take a good, hard look at our criminal justice and tort system. If in the end my contention holds, and that Mark Madoff had no idea what his father was doing, and it turns out that he was driven to suicide... his father AND the prosecution team AND the SEC have all contributed in his murder.

Many may wish to see revenge done upon Bernie Madoff... but killing an innocent man leaves little satisfaction.  I have no love lost for Bernie Madoff. His crimes have left the industry in a shambles and the witch hunt now being conducted by a very egged-faced SEC will likely leave other innocent people's lives in tatters.

A hard truth hit a great many people with this news.  How one conduct's oneself has a great impact upon those closest to them.

"Greed is NOT good."