Sincere Apologies

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." P. J. O'Rourke

I want to offer my sincere apologies to the American Feminist Movement.

No.  This is not a joke.  A Real Republican (Libertarian) like me and a Real Feminist like Naomi Klein on the same page.  Who'd a thunk it!

American feminists are out in several publications hammering the past 2 American administrations about using the subjugation of women in Afghanistan as a pretext for military operations in that country.

"Rape is being used in the Assange prosecution in the same way that women’s freedom was used to invade Afghanistan. Wake up!" Tweeted Naomi Klein.
(I have no opinion on any of the Assange issues. I do not download nor read the cables. I do not visit the wikileaks site. America is entitled to some level of secrecy, and of course some evil will necessarily come with that...  The world is not a perfect place... and while I reject the notion of empire I most certainly do NOT reject the need for our national security apparatus to operate in our defense.

What's done is done. I'll let the rest of the media and bolgsphere sort this out.  It is against the law to possess or download classified documents and I am a strict constructionist when it comes to the law.  I don't violate the law and nobody kicks my door down at 5 a.m. Pretty simple, really.  This is not to say that I do not believe we have certain Constitutional Right's that may be invoked against unjust laws...)

I have railed about the "Rape!" cry whenever the U.S. wants/needs to invade a small country usually containing Oil, minerals, or passage for one or both.  Unfortunately, while the feminists seem to see this for what it is, the balance of America's fairer sex (and no small number of its not-so-fair-sex) seems to accept this B.S. as Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

Strange bedfellows are coming up in spades all over the place.

Recently Sharon Astyk took on the "Abandon America" crowd (a bit less enthusiasticly than I would have liked); you know, those nit wits on the doomer sites telling people that they would be better to relocate to Canada (Brrrr!) or South America (Oy! Its so humid!). I simply cannot heap enough scorn upon such people.  These are the very same people desperately trying to destroy America from within... and now from without.

I have 2 words for these folks: Drop Dead.

The promise that is America is/are our Rights and the Obligations to Personal Responsibility that separate a free people from the enslaved and the controlled.  The drek that advocates abandoning that promise are the very folks that led us to this unhappy impasse.

America can, and will, once again be the Constitutionally respectful Republic that our founders envisioned.  We have lost our way, but we will find it again - and soon.