"A Little Bit Pregnant" - cont...

In every case there is a best possible outcome and a worse possible outcome. Assuming that it is all pointless is the expression of despair, and despair is hardly the mindset most often associated with figuring out the actions that will lead to the best possible outcome.

Life is to be enjoyed. Running around trumpeting doom has little upside going for it. Going about your life in such a manner as to avoid debt, own a home free and clear, raise children, build a business, and grow food (whether by hobby gardening or homesteading) will hardly be detrimental to your future. Ignoring the future by spending money one doesn't have and going into debt and complaining about the political zeitgeist has not shown to be a winning strategy for personal advancement (however you define that).

Life is about enjoying it - and taking responsibility for yourself, me thinks.

Life as we know it is going to change. Perhaps that rate of change will be slow enough that we won't notice. I reject that out of hand, but you never know.

I am interested in hearing from people that are running a homestead with their families. I am particularly interested in empirical data on the economics of each and every project or product you are involved in. "That which is not measured is not managed."

So let me hear from you.


For those of you watching the US$ and the commodity markets:

It seems that either the US$ collapses, or the commodity market does. This is NOT A TIMING CALL.

My bet is on the US$ NOT COLLAPSING (yet). But I could be wrong. We shall know soon enough.
Perhaps it is just me hoping that that is the case, but I think the end of QE2 will change the tone of things somewhat.  As always, I reserve the right to change my mind on a dime.


I don't hold out much hope that our political leaders will be able to fix that which they cannot understand. So I am going to go out and get my everbearing strawberries in. Hey, its all about priorities.