"I Hate Everything and Everybody"

"I hate everything and everybody" pretty much sums up my thoughts on the "budget battle". Never have more losers done less for the unknowing in the history of mankind... with the possible exception of the FDR administrations.

I despise the Left AND the Right in America. The "players" on either side have no heart felt beliefs, no "moral compass", and no humanity.  "I FART in their general direction."

May they eat sh#! and die.


The Tea Party blinked. No, that isn't fair. The Tea Party wet their pants, and they are proving to be just another group willing to try to kick the can down the road. Notice the next day that Pimco show's up short Treasury Bonds? That ain't a coincidence. Both bonds AND stocks are going to get rocked as will employment and housing... unless something changes drastically.


I was beyond thrilled to see this post by Stuart Staniford over at "earlywarn".  If you have been reading my stuff for a while you know that I get peptic regarding the lack of numeracy amongst the political and media establishment. For reasons unknown to me the "intelligensia" here in America simply cannot or will not understand the relationships between numbers, other wise known as ratios.


Oil has had some week. And the propaganda just keeps coming. Please consider paragraph 2 of this inane horsesh#!.
Across the country, people are pumping less into the tank, reversing what had been a steady increase in demand for fuel. For five weeks in a row, they have bought less gas than they did a year ago.
The cessation of Libya's Oil exports is the reason American's have bought less gas over the past 5 weeks, you AP jackass. People cannot buy what isn't there, and the volume that was available has been rationed by price.  


The Oil shock cometh. Upon its arrival it shall be known as the new normal. The new normal is the solution.