Meanwhile, back at the Ranch....

This is my new breeding hog, Otis.  He is only 50 pounds and less than 3 months old, but he should weigh in between 500 and 750 lbs of twisted steel and sex appeal when fully grown.  I plan on keeping 4 sows and breeding Otis, a Hampshire hog, and raising a bunch of hogs.  

This is Bonnie's new friend Naomi.  She is providing the extra milk, along with the goats, to help grow those young hogs.

The USDA says that over 50 million people are "food insecure".  It never seems to occur to the USDA that it was THEIR REGULATIONS that have caused much of this disaster in rural communities across the country.  They are lower than pond scum.


I don't know who Chris Whalen is, but it appears that, like me, he thinks California, New York, and a few other "Blue States" will absolutely, positively default on their debt.


Looks like deflation is gaining the upper hand to me.