Fighting the Last War

The Left and the RINO's have been locked in a death grip, battling to the ends of the universe to control the American people - and the American people have come to terms with this and last night dealt with it accordingly.  The folks continuing to support these 2 groups are out-dated misfits fighting the last war.

The RINO's are done. You can stick a fork in them.  The survivors will "evolve" their views, me thinks... or die.  The "Social Conservatives" that dominated the RINO's are as dead as fried chicken.  Good riddance (unfortunately, these guys have been like "Night of the Living Dead", but I think they are dying off and drying up). The Social Control Left got its socks rocked last night - the electorate put a rocket in their pocket (unfortunately, these folks are still pretty dangerous... they are firmly in control of the humanities and political science departments at the nation's universities from where they will continue to launch all manner of mischief).

The American electorate is waking up to its birthright - a government respectful of the U.S. Constitution.  A government that respects the people's property and privacy - and keeps its hands off our checkbooks AND the doorknob to our bedrooms.

How can one group claim their freedoms are being infringed while in the next breath demand that the government infringe on the rights, freedoms, or property of another?  The Left and the Social Conservatives have been locked in that battle of hypocrisy for decades.

We don't need either party to move to the "center".  There is no such place.  The Republicans have done quite a bit of evolving lately, and it has allowed them to arise from their near-death experience.  The Democrats would do well for themselves and the country if they were to evolve as well.  Peak Credit and Peak Oil are absolutely going to shrink government services, social programs, and the military budget one way or another... this would be an excellent time for the Federal government to begin the transition of power back to the states (who will in turn share a great deal of that new found power with local governments) in an orderly fashion.

America and its Constitution will survive Peak Oil and Peak Credit. Even in the energy constrained future America can thrive and our lives can have meaning and purpose... provided we continue to respect the rights and freedoms of the individual so poetically enumerated in our founding documents.


From the department of ridiculous stories planted in the media in a bald attempt to manipulate the public... "Tea Party offers GOP a mixed Bag".


It is almost embarrassing listening "true believers" at times.    Christine O'Donnell was/is an embarrassment... and Barney Frank ain't?  Everyone has a kook or 2 in the family.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch... Crude cleared $85 this morning for front month delivery, and the US$ Index is coming in on multi year lows.  Coincidence?  Somebody, PLEASE, forward my blog to the dip-sh#!'s at the Fed.  $100 Oil will undo EVERYTHING you guys wasted so much money trying to accomplish in the first place... leaving just the debt and bad paper.  And you guys learned this at Princeton?