Skip the following if you don't like my take on politics...
Well, I for one am dismayed at the Nobel Committee. Not that I don't think they are a bunch of communist, elitist filth - I do. I just get peptic when I think of how much blood has been shed by Americans only to be in the position of having other interests trying to manipulate our politics (not that we don't do the same thing... I am not any happier about that. You know what your mother used to say about "two wrongs). As many of you know, I like to point out stunningly FOS people - take pro-choice vegetarians for instance (just talk about FOS) - but can you get more FOS than the Nobel Prize for Obama? Jimmy Carter is a Nobel Peace Laureate, and I am no fan of the former President, but at least he was not pro-abortion. How can you be a pro-abortion Nobel Peace Laureate? Next we will have pro-death penalty Nobel Peace Laureates. Is there really a difference between bombs, IED's, Iran's gallows, Texas' execution chamber or an abortion doctor's scalpel? Either you stand for the sanctity of human life - or you do not.
How Liberal's split those hairs is beyond my comprehension.
Speaking of which... I heard something rather intelligent from someone capable of abstract, if politically incorrect, thought (disclosure: he is white, over 70, male, self made multi gazzilionaire, highly educated, married 40 + years with kids... successful people like this often piss people off).
He said something like this: "You know why many women HATE Sarah Palin? It wasn't because of her infamous interview, or her views on abortion. It was because she was married at a reasonable age, started her family young, had a bunch of kids without having to be peeing in a petri dish because she put off childbearing, and succeeded WILDLY at everything she set out to do, even though she was married with children. Even her book is a best seller. Women like Palin give the lie to the feminist's argument - and they hate her for it".
I am agnostic on Palin, but you do not have to be a Sarah Palin fan to see the logic of his opinion. Jealousy is a powerful emotion.
Libertariananimal at Gmail (dot) com