A Nation of Child Abusing Whiners

What Abortion, the Wars, Medicare, Social Security, the War on Drugs and police encounter killings tell us about ourselves.

Follow the money. Just follow the money. If you do, you will see that we have become a nation of self-absorbed hypocrites, child abusers, and whiners.

How so?

Look at the way our society apportions resources. Our confiscatory tax policy, the proceeds of which we distribute to the old, absolutely assures our abortion culture (no resources available to help/incentivize women to have their baby), assures our outrageous military expenditure (must enforce US$ hegemony to continue the outrageous and unconscionable spending on the old age social programs), and even the War on Drugs and fractional reserve banking system (an effort to keep young people's nose to the grind stone and loaded up with debt).

I vehemently oppose the Welfare State as it is presently configured here in the U.S. Just look at the thing! Instead of helping women to have the babies our society so desperately needs, our Welfare State helps elderly people to remain disengaged and unproductive, and dis-incentivizes them to maintain their health, and doing so cost's 10X+ what providing for young families in need would cost.  Before you freak out, think about that for a minute.  If you oppose abortion, you must be prepared for the consequences of that - babies and young children and mothers taking care of young children. If their families/husbands/fathers are unable to perform the function of providing for the mother and child then society must. If not, you can count on an abortion. It is pretty simple, really. The "Welfare State" will need to exist, just not for the benefit of the elderly.

Now, take a look at the state of the American nuclear family. For 40 years the MSM and the liberal university establishment has maintained a steady attack on the model that brought mankind out of muck and mire... why? Because they have no children of their own. Call it what you will - the Liberal Birth Dearth or Liberal Baby Bust - has left this special interest group with little choice. If your special interest group does not expand via procreation, by mathematical and demographic necessity, you will need to recruit.  And you will need propaganda in order to accomplish your recruiting needs, and you will need government interference to destroy the family. Look what we got in return: Divorce law evolved to incentivize women to divorce; that gave us a generation of men unwilling to marry as well as the pre-nuptual agreement, and an  exploding population of unwed, and unsupported, mothers. Nice shot!

(Let me share with you my anecdotal experience... I have close friends and relatives in the Orthodox Jewish community. They are very conservative politically, and they tend to have large families (3 or more children). I also have close friends in the liberal reformed Jewish community. Many have no children, with 1 child being extremely common, 2 children some what less so but still a good portion, and I can think of very few 3 children families.  Just look at the demographics in Israel. In a couple of generations there will be few non-orthodox Israelis remaining. And note how the Orthodox reject military service; if you want to breed your way to the dominant position, no point in getting killed in war!)

And recruit they do! And because they do not have enough votes themselves, these people co-opt other voting special interest groups. Since those under 18 can't vote, and those 18 to 25 either don't vote or do not do so cohesively precisely because of the influence exerted on this age group in the Liberal Media and university system, the progressives pander to the AARP (disclosure: my 50th birthday is behind me) set who have proven only too willing to force their daughters and granddaughters into the abortion clinics and their son's and grandson's into the military, because it is their only source of employment, if that's what it takes to keep the Social Security checks coming. America has no problem with thousands of abortions everyday... but talk about curtailing "end of life care" expenditures for the terminally ill elderly and you'll have thousands upon thousands of "Q-tips" marching with walkers on Washington. So much for the "Greatest Generation".

The U.S. spends nearly a $1 Trillion, and costs young people thousands of young lives and limbs, on a military designed to maintain US$ hegemony and to protect the flow of petroleum to the U.S.  Why? Because our financial and social program system would implode without it. Once again, where is all the money spent? On questionable medical care for the elderly as well as their monthly stipend from the collection of tributes to the empire... and on the military necessary to enforce it.

Yes, we have some throwaway programs: HeadStart, No Child Left Behind... BULL SH#!.  We are a bunch of Old Farts stealing money from young families and babies, encouraging the murder of the unborn, the death and mayhem of War, and the violation of our Constitution in our FUBAR War on Drugs, and we arrived at this deplorable state of affairs because the Left, beginning in earnest with the unintended consequences of FDR's Great Society programs, was demographically challenged and needed to co-opt votes by pandering.

The most outrageous thing about all of this was that the outcome was never in question. The people that came up with these programs were highly educated and intelligent people and fully understood the mathematics of free money social programs... but they did it anyway.

Is it Legal? Yep.

Is it Ethical? NAFC.