Meanwhile, Back Home...

The U.S. and the various state governments should take this moment to reflect upon the fact that while we are all so critical of the Arab world's injustices it is the U.S. that has the highest percentage of people in prison and the highest prison population in the history of mankind.

Worse, our police kill a great many Americans for what are, essentially, crimes of morality - DRUGS.

Worse still, our police KILL INNOCENT AMERICANS BY MISTAKE while making drug busts, stings, warrant service... and that is a very, very incomplete list.

This is simply unconscionable.

And what have we got to show for all of the blood on our hands? Our prison system has created the gang problem here in the U.S.!!! Way to go, guys!

Talk about the gift that keeps on giving.. well, to law enforcement, corrections personnel, lawyers, and judges, that is; and aren't these the very people that are draining our state and local budgets with their outrageous pension benefits?

Drugs are bad. No Duh... Our War on Drugs is much, much worse.