We have BECOME the Philistines...

Please read this article about the insider trading trial of Raj Rajaratnam.  Notice anything?  He is spending $20 million + on his legal defense.  Think about that for a minute.  That means that no one, except the top 1/100 of 1% can afford to defend themselves against a criminal accusation by the U.S. Federal Government. So what's the difference between the U.S. or China or the Former U.S.S.R.? The charade of a trial?

Our government has run amok. Look at our expenditures. Look at our deficits.  Look at our prison population. Look at the number of foreign civilians and conscripts we kill in military conflicts.

Now read this. The government has really outdone itself here.  The U.S. Federal Government has indicted an American citizen for distributing reading material on jury nullification near the New York Federal Court House.

Now have a gander at this. The U.S. Federal Government is providing what are essentially military TANKS to local police departments. I can't be the only American that finds this disconcerting....


If you were to look up Borderline Personality Disorder in the proverbial dictionary, you would find the picture of one Ms. Rahna Reiko Rizzuto, she of "Hiroshima in the Morning" fame and a conscript of Feminist Publishing, Inc. (that's the real name of her publisher).

I gotta tell  you, we have crossed some strange f*&^ing boundary with this attempt by the FemiNazi goon squad to do I'm not really sure what.

A friend of mine from my childhood that I have become reacquainted with on FaceBook posted this youtube piece ostensibly about how advertising is committing violence against women.

As I watched I realized that I was viewing a recruiting video for a fringe religion/cult and their call for Jihad.  I look at those young, impressionable women in the viewing audience.... I see bright 18 to 22 year old undergrads being drawn into a life of misery, loneliness, anger... even rage. Granted, Jean Kilbourne's contribution to the discussion about addiction, alcoholism, and smoking is commendable.  Her thinly veiled hatred of men is not.