Oh.... My...... G-d..... "Obama Rolls out plan to cut Oil Imports."
G-d is cutting Oil imports, not President Obama, or any future president for that matter.
Now that Peak Oil Exports has been fully embraced by an American administration... well, you gotta admire how they are taking credit for an ineluctable outcome.
My hat is off to the President for this one... he just one-upped President Clinton in the "Slick" category.
Ok... Just kidding. If I were working as one of his political operatives, this is pretty much the tack I would take. Might as well take credit for something that is going to happen anyway, selling the policy response as being a good thing, and hope to h*ll it gets me through the next election when gas is $5 per gallon.
Most of the reasoning contained in the speech was actually reasonably sound - all except for the actual, practical responses. Still, we are getting there.
Oh, and one last thing Mr. President. Imports will likely be down by 2/3 over the next decade... not 1/3.