You are being Prepped for much higher Oil Prices

Look at the number of articles on the front page of the big web aggregators regarding $100 Oil in 2011.

You are being prepped for much higher prices.  TPTB don't want this coming as a surprise... and they want to convince folks that this is OK, the new normal, whatever.... and its the right thing to do (Otherwise you might have crazy people blowing up gas stations to express their anger)... and they are getting it done

There is always one idiot that blames it all on speculators...

The IEA suddenly comes out of nowhere and declares the era of cheap oil is over? And then Iran cut their subsidy for gasoline and diesel? Something brews...

So... How high?  $110 to $200, with $200 being highly unlikely, and $110 being highly likely. It all depends what price is necessary to cause people to alter their driving, flying, and consuming habits.... since it seems that they have become accustomed to $3+ retail gasoline, it would seem that prices could go significantly higher before bringing about those changes in behavior.


Here's a poignant article written ostensibly about old, old age by someone just entering the senior years.

Read it and THEN consider the perspective of the author - a highly educated in the humanities, liberal, feminist, aging CHILDLESS person.... You know, the folks with all of the answers... except the answer as to who is going to give even the slightest sh#! about her in her old age.

I feel for her... self-inflicited, pompous, and condescending as her life's positions were...

I was reading one of John Michael Greer's pieces recently, where he pointed out to the "raw food"crowd that in every culture on earth people warm their food... there must be a good reason for doing so... I would like to point out to those that think "family" can have many forms... maybe... but it has had only ONE form in almost every culture that ever existed in the history of humanity... certain factions have attacked that form vehemently over the past couple of decades... those people are now coming face to face with their own mortality... I wonder how sure they will be of themselves in their old, old age.

I know this commentary will be met with tooth and fang from certain quarters... I call it as I see it... I am not looking for your vote.


The Left's other ugly step child, the public employee unions and their outrageous healthcare and retirement benefits have completely worn out their welcome.

When and how this explodes in the face of the True Blue/dumb-as-a-bag-of-hammers when it comes to math, statistics, and economics Left (not questioning their Latin skills) is of little importance... the fact is it is coming, and soon... and it is gonna be BIG.