Tiger Mama

This post has nothing to do with the markets or with energy issues... I just couldn't let this go by without commenting about WTF is wrong with us. If you are Politically Correct, perhaps you should skip this.

I hope most of you have read about Amy Chua, Yale Law Professor and simply over-achiever par excellence who, just to add insult to injury is an outrageously attractive and THIN married mother of 2, Asian-American woman. (If you have not please feel free to google Amy Chua or Tiger Mother/Mama. Here is the original excerpt that sent people into orbit.)  Please note that I do not necessarily agree with all of Ms. Chua's parental philosophies... maybe she goes too far, and maybe she was speaking in a self-depricating manner.... so what? The proof is in the pudding, as they say. Oh, and a disclosure: I am from the lower end of the working class and not of 100% European ancestry and my wife is an Asian Immigrant (and is stereotypically accomplished herself, yet has decided it best for the family to be a full time mom)... I wouldn't know how to classify my kids, other than "beautiful"... 

Besides the simple fact that Ms. Chu will be HATED for all of the above listed reasons (brilliant, accomplished, thin, able to maintain a marriage, and takes responsibility for parenting), Americans simply cannot withstand the thing NOT BEING SAID IN ANY OF THE CRITICISMS of Ms. Chua.

And what's that?

What is the prison population of children raised by parents using Ms. Chua's formula?  Zero?  How many Doctors, Lawyers, Investment Bankers, Engineers, Computer Whizzes, Military Officers, and World Class Musicians were produced in strict, demanding homes versus those with absentee fathers and irresponsible mothers?  The Web is going ballistic over Ms. Chua's "Chinese" parenting style, a style that is successfully producing our society's best and brightest (and a couple of suicides and adult-offspring in therapy... nobody's perfect). Please compare that to what is going on in the African American community:

90% of African American children will require government food assistance during their childhood (to be fair 33% of White Children and 50% of all children will find themselves in the same sh*ty boat).

72% of African American children are born to un-wed mothers (the moron that wrote this article said "So What?") 

Seventy-two percent of black babies are born to unmarried mothers today, according to government statistics. Statistics show just what that fullness means. Children of unmarried mothers of any race are more likely to perform poorly in school, go to prison, use drugs, be poor as adults, and have their own children out of wedlock. 
The black community’s 72 percent rate eclipses that of most other groups: 17 percent of Asians, 29 percent of whites, 53 percent of Hispanics and 66 percent of Native Americans were born to unwed mothers in 2008, the most recent year for which government figures are available. The rate for the overall U.S. population was 41 percent.

The Arizona shooting notwhithstanding, gun crime is largely an African American issue.  Half of all murder victims are African American and 93% of those murders were committed by another African-American - and the Web and Blogsphere think that "Chinese Mothers" are the problem?  Maybe they are the solution to what was has proved to be an intractable problem.  Want to solve crime, poverty, gun violence, and any of the other social ills in America? Then do what Willie Sutton did.  He robbed banks cause that's where the money is... The sad fact is we now have an African American in the White House that simply does not address these issues... if there ever was a president that could take these issues on, that could call African American men on the carpet and demand that they accept responsibility for their children (OMG! Did I say that?  You bet. Every child deserves a father and I couldn't care less if somebody is offended by my pointing out the obvious)... BHO could have been that president... I guess he's holding his thunder for his second term.  

Maybe a drill seargent national Mother figure is in order...  maybe that's what our poofy, feel good, pansy asses need.   China is wiping the floor with us.  The Chinese people are willing to work and COMPETE, they have strong families, and they actually know how to live within their means.  Holy smokes! Can you imagine?!!  (Any American so much as mentions the issue is immediately labeled a "racist" by the "Progressives"... Ever notice how white Progressives always seem to marry other white Progressives? )

Amy Chua for President in 2012.