Speaker Boehner

I didn't know much about Bill Boehner, and still don't, but after reading this article I have a warm and fuzzy feeling about having a Speaker of the House who said:

“I’ve had every rotten job there ever was” and “I was grateful to have every single one,”

I am thrilled to see a working class kid at the top of the heap.  I never want to hear the name of another Kennedy, Bush, Clinton, Cuomo, Pelosi, Daly, et al in American politics ever again.  EVER.

Time for some new blood, and I like my new blood to have dug a ditch or two sometime during their lives... good for the soul.


Today's JOD Award (Jag-Off of the Day) goes to Mike Whitney, the Lefty's Liberal.

Mike, you are a POS.  Your taunting, mean-spirited attack on Libertarians and nit-wit support for the innumerate Left has earned you today's JOD Award.  Anytime you want to debate, Mike, just name the time and place.  While I will feel poorly about entering into a duel with an unarmed opponent, I would be only too happy to strip the bark off of all your silly assertions.  The problems going on in France and the rest of Welfare West have one thing in common - Keynesianism, along with Socialism and Communism, is inconstant at its base.  This is not to say that the West's corporate cronyism, often mis-labled as Capitalism, is not... that does not make your assertions any more accurate.

(And man do I wish Glen Beck and Sarah Palin would dry up and blow away... thanks for your help in getting the ball rolling, but now you are merely getting in the way.  We desperately need thoughtful, intelligent, measured, well-spoken folks on the front lines now. Kooks to the rear, please. That means you too, Mike.)

Mike, you need to find a new line of work... because rational, well conceived, and thoughtful analysis escapes you.  Actually, belay that... perhaps you are well suited for your position as neither you, nor the vast majority of your sympathizers, can actually count. Neither have any, ANY, of you put finger to calculator and then pen to paper.  In short, you make sh#! up.  And the Left believes your sh#!.

W              T               F                  ?