The Keynesian Theory Dies in its Birthplace

Britain, birthplace of the Keynesian monster that destroyed the West, has sent a Knight in Shining Armor to slay the beast.

I wish them luck.

Those backing this agenda will no doubt be attacked and skewered by their political foes because in the short to medium term this will be very, very hard on a great number of people.  I have compared it to a fat, slovenly, overindulged American teenager being conscripted into the military and facing a brutal readjustment in basic training.  Of course, on the other side that teenager will be lean, healthy, and vibrant - but its hard to see that place from their current position on the couch with the TV and video games blocking the view.

The fact of the matter is that in America, the U.K., and most of the West, the proportion of people working in the private sector to people working in the public sector has fallen to its lowest levels in decades... and in some countries, in all of history.  Combine this with outrageous pension and healthcare "benefits" (forced extractions from the have-not-private-sector to the haves-public-sector) and viola! You find yourself here, trying to avert a Greek style meltdown because there is no one big enough to bail out the U.S., or even the U.K.

So without further ado:

Dear American Left:

Its over.  We have reached the terminal point. The U.S. will, absolutely and positively, eventually bite the very same bullet that the U.K. has bitten.  The damage you folks caused - the destruction of the American family, the addiction of MILLIONS upon MILLIONS to social programs that will de facto be defaulted on, an addiction that fueled our growth in prison population, HIV, violent crime, etc.. - with your misplaced vision of social engineering will go down in history as one of the greatest historical failures since the Third Reich.

Dear American Right:

Its over. We have reached the terminal point. The U.S. will, absolutely and positively, eventually bite the very same bullet that the U.K. has bitten. The damage caused by increasing the size of our military until we had occupational forces across the globe, interfering in the internal politics of sovereign nations, playing world cop, and antagonizing the more radical of these folks to the point that they were willing to kill themselves in order to kill us, etc... - with your misplaced vision of American exceptionalism which will go down in history as one of the greatest failures since the U.S.S.R.

Keynesianism is DEAD, may it rot in hell. Now, let us kill the Federal Reserve Act, Obama Care, the Department of Energy, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Homeland Security... privatize Social Security, Medicare, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac... and end the bailout of the "the too big to fail" (the establishment)....

The U.S. federal government will need to cut 37% of its budget at a minimum (just to bring government into equilibrium with revenues) and likely should be double that (just to bring government into equilibrium with humanity).

The Tea Party says they want to Do The Right Thing.... well, here's your shot.  Don't miss.