A Picture Worth a Thousand Words

The IEA, Europe's version of the U.S. Department of Energy's EIA, just had their cover blown by one of those pesky "Whistle Blowers".

Well, here is a graph/picture worth the proverbial thousand words:

Seeing how this is nearly 2010, and anyone with a minimum of two (2) neurons still firing under their hat can see that I have better shot at the Nobel Peace Prize than the above graph has of coming to fruition.

Still want to save for the "Long Term"?

On a brighter note, I play chess against my computer using Apple's chess program a great deal - and last night I won! Never happened before. Given that, I am feeling pretty good that everything is right with the world... at least until I fire up another round with this miserable computer...

Libertariananimal (at) gmail (d0t) com