Show Me The MONEY

Got a kid going to college soon?

Read this excellent article about WHO is making the big bucks and why.

Anybody paying $200k for a degree in the Humanities from an also-ran private college is getting taken WORSE than a Madoff victim... and the ONLY reason that the Ivy League school's grads are getting this kind of money for NON-TECHNICAL educations is due to Wall Street. If your kid does not want to work on Wall Street, skip the expense. Ivy League social workers don't seem to make the same dough. If, for some reason, the financial services industry contracts severely in the coming years... well, you will have to take that into consideration.

Back to the article.

Those were for SALARIES. Plenty of these grads went on to start companies and make millions and millions. One does not have to remain an employee all of their lives.

Of course, at the end of the article is the feel good "what if your kid's not bright enough to grasp math and science?" In that case, don't listen to the pitch from these jerks. Help this type of kid with down payments and other financial help by not wasting your money on some feel-good-horse-sh*t degree (unless you are rich... in that case do whatever floats your boat).

In the economy of the next decade or 2, they are really going to need all the help they can get. Just look at how much money they are going to need to save to get to the $1.5 million they will need in retirement. Take the $200k you were going to waste on the Poetry degree from NYU, send them to state school, take the $160k difference and buy rentable farm land (that is, productive land that you can rent to farmers). Your kid will have a very comfortable retirement and will keep your picture over the mantle piece for the rest of his/her life, extolling the genius that is you for generations to come.