"Don't Blame You, Don't Blame Me, Blame that man behind the tree"

"By the year 2012, projected outlays for entitlements and interest on the national debt will consume all tax revenues collected by the federal government … There will not be one cent left over for education, children's programs, highways, national defense, or any other discretionary program." – Bipartisan U.S. Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform

OK, so its "Don't tax you, don't tax me, tax that man behind the tree". I like my version better.

Wall Street and Government sucked Americans into debt? BULL SH*T!! Where is the concept of personal responsibility? If ANYTHING or ANYONE is guilty... it was Television, Hollywood Movies, and MTV that sucked Americans into debt. (Why is it that the tie-dye and sneaker set do not begrudge Paul McCartney or Mick Jagger their Billions yet they absolutely freaking despise some small business man that broke his b*alls to become a Middle Class Millionaire?) We have been so manipulated by advertising and messaging that we need to be "cool", we need to drive a car like James Bond (in order to get the "Bond Girl"), we need to dress like the movie stars do, and we need to live in a castle. Well, if these are your needs, and you don't have the income to support them, you will go into debt to support those "needs".

The other problem is, no matter how much money you make you can blow it all and wind up in debt. Look at Mike Tyson, M.C. Hammer, Nicolas Cage and many, many other rich and famous that went broke (and these folks weren't your run of the mill high earning professional... nope, they spent hundreds of millions on some really silly stuff.) If you accept the premise that any fortune can be squandered then by definition you must accept the premise of personal responsibility.

But when was the last time you saw an article saying "Americans squandered their incomes on senseless materialism", or "Americans are risking their lives and the well being of their families by overeating"? NAFC. What you do hear is that "Wall Street and the Government sucked Americans into debt", and "The processed food and fast food corporation sucked the American people into being obese".

No wonder people are so freaking angry! We are all VICTIMS! "Those scum-bag corporations did this to me!"... "Wall Street (the Devil) made me do it!"


Americans are watching more television than ever before, both through conventional TV sets and on the web, as the range of channels continues to expand, the screens get bigger and the quality of the picture increases as new hi-definition and 3D technologies arrest and shorten attention spans to a greater and greater degree.

Americans are now a nation of spectators, watching a shocking average of nearly 5 hours of TV a day, up 20% from just 10 years ago.

Hooked in to this matrix medium that tells them how to behave, what to care about, and how to treat people who deviate from this spoon-fed consensus, people are literally being programmed into accepting a contrived false reality that bears little or no resemblance to what is actually taking place in the real world. This is why the assembly line of zombies being manufactured by this process will roll their eyes when warned about real issues that affect them – the crumbling economy, unemployment, the BP oil spill – yet will become visibly upset when an event that has no bearing on their existence whatsoever, like where LeBron James throws a basketball around, takes place.

We are literally being trained like dogs to react to meaningless stimuli while burying our heads in the sand in reaction to issues of real significance. This behavior training encompasses an entire outlook, an entire lifestyle that people have adopted to the point where their moral compass, they way they dress, the way they speak, what they eat, what drugs they take, the way they respond to events and how they treat other people is solely a construct of the babylon system to which they are addicted.

The fact that this matrix system constantly promotes damaging and destructive messages is why people are fat, unhealthy, unhappy, addicted to drugs, and unsuccessful in maintaining relationships. They are a product of their brainwashing. Downloading viruses from an infected culture on a daily basis, people’s hard drives – their brains – are corrupted, lethargic, and barely able to function. This is why people seek out destructive pursuits that do nothing to benefit their long-term personal interests. This is why people no longer talk to their neighbors or get involved in their communities. This is why people care more about LeBron James than their own country collapsing around them – because that’s the content of the programming they have downloaded.
Think about our last presidential election. We elected a young man with no business experience, no economic background, no financial experience, and little political experience because he was half black, supported abortion rights, looked good standing at a podium and could read a teleprompter (I referred to this in previous posts as the MTVization of politics).

In addition to Goldman Sachs and the USDA I am now going to add T.V. to my "Anti-Christ" list.

Given all of the above and the myriad data I have posted on in the past there is absolutely NO reason to believe that a macro, society wide solution proffered by the government will come about. This is like climbing Mt. Everest - you are on your own.

And that's how it should be.