Peak FOS part 3

"The BP spill shapes lawmakers energy and climate discussion."

This would be funny if it wasn't so sad...

The price of retail gasoline is the ONLY thing that shapes lawmakers energy and climate discussions. Just wait till $5 gasoline shows up - then tell me how long before "drill, baby, drill" is back in favor.

We are a nation of Sybil's, Schitzoiding our way threw the dark with "Real House Wives of Orange County" and "Millionaire Match-Maker" playing in the back ground promising still more something for nothing to a generation that makes the "Me Generation" look positively selfless.

Look, it is what it is, and that's all that it is... but the idea that we are having an intelligent debate about ANYTHING other than here in the Blogsphere is just a circle-jerking-cluster-f**k.
At least the Blogsphere has decapitated Political Correctness.

So we go that going for us...