The Politics of Hate

"When strange peoples meet... first they fight... then they fornicate." - Unknown.

The political expediency of hate reared its ugly head when a well known African American Congressman John Lewis claimed that someone in a Tea Party demonstration hurled the "N" word at him and Congressman Andre Carson.

I don't know for sure what happened there. I was not present. I will say that in 2010, with all of the media microphones, digital cameras, cell phones, etc... it strikes me as EXTREMELY unlikely that such an exchange would have gone unrecorded, especially when Andrew Briebart has offered $100,000 for proof that the denigration was hurled at the Congressman.

If no such recording of the event turns up (I have no opinion on that eventuality whatsoever... it either does or it does not), it would seem to me that not only is the Congressman hearing things, he is actively seeking to rekindle hatred to marshall his forces. If such a recording does turn up, it would seem that the Congressman and the Democrats will have a very, very potent sound bite to use to hammer the opposition. My bet is a great many people are listening to every second of every recording from that event.

Let's go with option "A". No recording of such exchange. If so, it would then seem that this is nothing more than a bald attempt to capitalize on the politics of hate, and to prevent the very natural outcome of assimilation (I have some experience here... I am white, my wife is a beautiful brown, my kids are sort a mocha capuchino, my sister is an orthodox Jew, I was raised catholic and am as secular as it gets for a Right To Life Republican). Congressman Lewis and his NAACP cohorts are on the wrong side of biology and history. In a couple generations there WON'T BE any black or white people... there WILL be a great many shades of everything in between. That's what happens when you are successful in efforts towards equality - people WILL make babies with folks from different ethnic backgrounds. The only way to prevent this is to keep up the HATE. Groups that wish to avoid integration must follow certain strategies. They must control the reproductive options of their women. They must wear certain clothes and continue certain customs designed to separate them from others (kosher diet, head scarves, burkas...), and they must convince their people that the other guys hate/dislike/are less worthy.... than us, the "good guys".

Congressman Lewis and his supporters NEED the "N" word (They need "fat, angry, middle aged white people"). Without it, they will be relegated to history... a respectable place in history, but history none-the-less.

What is the difference between a "White Supremacist" and a Black Congressman, or a religious leader - if the one thing they have in common is a desire to prevent their kind from intermarrying? You can't really be "FOR" a particular group without being "AGAINST" another. Barak Obama is not our "First Black President" (Bill Clinton was). Barak Obama is the-first-of-many-very-difficult-to-define-and-so-we should-stop-defining presidents. The only diversity that biology favors is "hybrid vitality". It would be nice if we could get over ourselves, but that just ain't gonna happen. Next best option is to not be baffled by the Bull S**t.