Mixed Signals

Before I move on to today's rant...

We built this mobile chicken coop on a sled of 2 x 4's and enclosed it in used cattle panels that were too bent up for fencing, and some left over wire garden fence. An old tarp was used for a roof.
My 16 year old son moving the ladies (and a few very lucky roosters) into their new home.

The finished product. The hens must have approved - we collected 25 eggs from 32 hens.
This "chicken tractor" is moved daily to let the hens graze on pasture but is really not light enough for many folks to move around. It works for us.


The bond market NEEDS another equity market correction or rates are going to move higher... Energy equities say Oil pulls back... Nat Gas says Oil pulls back... the Euro says the US$ moves higher... Nissan says they have an electric car that will get 100 miles per charge... Everybody says California is bigger than Greece... The U.S. equity market says it does not care about Oil, California, Nissan, Nat Gas, or interest rates...

Don't believe everything you hear.