The insanity of compounding putting off going to work for too long with the ball and chain of student debt awaiting your entry into the "Real World" is really getting some traction, although it remains almost an apostasy in some circles.
You are allowed to use your own brain to scrub any outcome that takes place over a period of time, especially when it comes to your LIFE.
Obama expands the war in Afghanistan... and this guy is supposed to be smarter than GWB? Dumb as a war in Iraq was, Afghanistan makes that look cerebral.
While that might indeed be enough said about Obama, I find it impossible to heap enough scorn (my boots just are not that high) on his most ardent supporters. Not that McCain would have been any better... but failing to recognize that A.) it did not matter which of these 2 we elected and, B.) great presidencies are not built on issues like race, abortion rights, and gay marriage. It must nice to be so delusional as to deny the simple truth in that.
The American capitalist/liberal democracy system is under EXTREME duress, and likely won't survive the next decade, but Obama's supporters are concerned with politicizing sex, marriage, family law, race, etc... Let me clue you in... you cannot cure America's ills by making abortion "safe and legal". If you think issues like abortion, compensation discrepancies between the sexes, flag burning, gay marriage (either side! Why would ANYBODY want to lose the Right not to have to get married "Legally"? Why do Gay folks want to invite the government BACK into their bedrooms? Go figure!), freedom fries, prayer in school, and any of the ill fated, self-destructive tendencies of the Left... Speaking of which... Does ANYBODY on the Left know their History of Greek Philosophy? If so, can anybody point out to me an essay by one of those rather interesting fellows about how a society can whether a Great Storm by encouraging their people to do really bad/stupid/horrific things? Or just waste their time? The VAST majority of the folks that I communicate with on the issue politics have never read the U.S. Constitution and the vast majority of the folks I communicate on the issue of Banking & Finance have never read the Federal Reserve Act... but they have VIOLENT opinions on the subjects! Why?
Talk about polishing the brass on the Titanic... The American currency is sinking before our eyes, a symptom of our collective ills, and our nation's collective debts have become so large as to be unmanageable. Yet the best we can come up with is to borrow MORE from our future and our trading partners to make sure that when the Blow Out comes it will be truly spectacular? (Go ahead, click the link. Then copy the data into a spreadsheet, and exptrapolate the growth in debt at the same rate out into the future... We have increased debt at a compounded rate of over 8% per year since 1950, and experienced GDP growth of less than 3%. It might help you to watch this lecture in its entirety... here is a link to the first segment of 8.) This assures, absolutely AND positively that some kind of outrageous smack up will occur to the economic/banking/currency system at some point in the next 5 to 10 years.
The Jag-Offs that were hoping for the end of the world and the capitalist system will likely get their wish - but they won't be satisfied because the collapse/revolution/coup will NOT be televised nor podcast. It also won't happen in a time frame that will make them terribly happy.
Our political system, the one that prevents guys from getting dressed up like they are about to invade Poland and breaking into your home and causing folks to disappear, is based and dependent upon the U.S. Constitution. A casual look at the history of the world clearly shows a propensity for people to willingly abandon their freedoms; our founding documents were drafted to prevent that. Even so, a half century of Liberal Jurisprudence has eviscerated the political animal. Badly wounded and wobbly, it is about to be finished of by an unlikely foe - ourselves - in the form of silly promises (medicare, social security, and the pensions of government employees) and programs (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Sallie Mae). By promising the proverbial "free lunch", we have created a hungry monster that can be fed for just a bit longer, and when the all-you-can-eat buffet comes to an end - and it surely will - those nice folks from the Cryps, the Bloods, ex Law-enforcement/military, MS-13 (never heard of them? You will.), etc... will be only to happy to indulge in the "other white meat" - unarmed Liberals.
Remember the transitive property of Mathematics? If a = b and b = c, then a = c. If (over promising social programs) = (the collapse of the currency) and (the collapse of the currency) = (political collapse/Armaggedon)... well, you can finish the equation yourself.
No, events likely won't come to pass quickly enough to vindicate my assertions. But they will come to pass before my infant daughter is in Middle School.
And maybe sooner.
Have a nice day!