Must Have Hit Home

"When it defines man as the enemy, feminism is alienating women from their own bodies." - Camille Paglia, Vamps and Tramps.

Hate and Lies are what they are, no matter who tells the story. Special Interest Groups are, by definition, are opposed to the rights and self-determination of others (unless their operating principal is the rejection of the control and manipulation of others...) in favor of their adherents and supporters.

I blasted and wrote to them about their favored FemiNazi, Sylvia Ann Hewlett a few weeks back in this post.

Though I received NO DIRECT RESPONSE from the POS at Bloomberg responsible for publishing Hewlett's stunningly contrived, FOS diatribe... Bloomberg OBVIOUSLY sent Ms. Hewlett a copy of my rather off-the-cuff, back-of-envelope analysis... and Hewlett obviously felt the need to defend her silly assertions (I have a hard time even calling them assertions... Hewlett, to me, is obviously a deeply disturbed person, with deep seated emotional problems... likely stemming from childhood experiences I can only begin to imagine... and I AM TRULY saddened for what she must have gone through... however, Hewlett's continued attempt of institutional violence via the media/political/judicial processes demands that someone call her on the carpet).

Ms. Hewlett's agenda is clear for all to see (if "all" were listening that is).

Promote more qualified women into higher positions through programs that spotlight their smarts, not their sex appeal.
The real bottom line of that statement is this: "Promote more women". What she does NOT SAY quite so explicitly is this: "By Any Means Necessary".

Ms. Hewlett has an agenda, some funding, and will turn out "studies" to support the position she started with. Please review Ms. Hewlett's Wikipedia entry:

Sylvia Ann Hewlett (born 1946)[1] is an economist, consultant, lecturer, and expert on gender and workplace issues.
Got that? She's an "expert on gender and workplace issues". LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Hewlett might hold herself out as an "expert witness" in order to make money testifying against men in sexual harassment lawsuits... that's as far as the word "expert" should be associated with Hewlett.


Dear Bloomberg: Before you publish any more of the Drek from this miscreant/leach... give me an email. I would LOVE to take her "analysis" to the mat for a little "scrubbing" as we like to call it in the trade. My bet is, it wouldn't stand up to a cursory perusing. Sylvia Ann Hewlett is nothing but a fraud, as is the Center for Work-Life Policy. LOLOLOLOLLL HAHAHAHAHAHA ROFL LMAO!!!!!

Sorry, that got away from me.

I really want to know who funded the Center for Work-Life Policy.

Dear Ms. Hewlett. I am absolutely sure that your most recent Bloomberg article was written in to support contentions made in your previous article, whether in response to my letter to Bloomberg or others I cannot say. I can say that your skills in analysis, game theory, AND economics (Ph.D.) are completely lacking, if I make use of understatement... which probably explains why you became a policy wonk/fraud... its in your best interest to steer clear of meritocracies and stick to lame brain, feel good dribble that cannot be measured - like politics but without the nasty face-the-voters stuff...

Good work if you can get it.

The good news is that you and your ilk are dying on the vine.

Good riddance.