The KSA is in a hurry to spend some BIG BUCKS, no doubt on well connected Western contractors, on solar, nuclear, wind... but notice the silly conclusion/explanation of the author:
That means Saudi Arabia wants to wean itself off oil but keep the rest of us hooked (unless it has plans to become the world's largest solar-panel exporter, too).
That's the writer's conclusion? No wonder the public in the West is so kerbolixed up with this issue.... relying on the media to inform them.
The KSA's agenda ain't keeping us hooked on Oil; that was done long ago, far away, and by another party... their agenda is to matter, politically, to The Powers That Be, and TPTB won't give a good fart about the House of Saud when they are not an Oil exporter... heck, they might not give that good fart once it is common knowledge that Saudi export days are numbered.
The Saud's are between a far bigger rock and a much harder hard place than the U.S. is. Either way - they either skidaddle or wind up hanging on a hook with piano wire for a noose.
I don't know Tracey McMillan, but I love her already.
An excellent article on the merits. Don't miss it. My sense is that as the Oil supply declines, the better nature of man will shine through. Or perhaps I just hope so.
I have more than a passing interest to see how declines in electricity availability in Japan this summer effects productivity and production itself. Before the age of AC for summer cooling, summer was a time of diminished work and production. Japan might well give us a good look at our own future.