Outrageous - cont...

Today's quote:

"So long as governments set the example of killing their enemies, private citizens will occasionally kill theirs." ~ Elbert Hubbard


I had this to say in my December 16, 2010 post, "A Funny Thing Happened on the way to..."

In the nothing to do with Energy department...
Some times I despair for my fellow man (woman). The one wild card in all of our lives that we can do so little about are the crazies running amongst us, waiting to go off like a time bomb.
We have nuts going into school board meetings and firing 9mm handguns at their innocent and unarmed fellow man... and we have well known WABC Weather Girl Heidi Jones fabricating an attempted rape... Our government has raided religious groups and their supporters blew up a federal building killing innocent children... a man flies his plane into an I.R.S. building... Going "Postal" is now broadly understood in the lexicon.... Good grief. What's next?
We lack civility in our political discourse, we glorify violence in the media we allow our children to consume, we reject the sanctity of Life from abortion, to street violence, to war, to capital punishment... everybody is a victim and everyone seems to belong to a group that hates somebody with a passion.... and we wonder that people are going off half-cocked because somebody did them wrong?
Rational, and other wise law abiding citizens barrel down my street here in South Florida (20 mph zone) at 60 mph and are furious when I don't get out of their way... seemingly oblivious to the consequences should they hit one of my kids...
Sometimes I think I'm the only normal person left... is it just me, or have we gotten meaner?  Well, mean people suck.
Maybe.... just maybe... the answer is not more government control, regulation, and tax extraction to fix all of these things.... maybe, just maybe, people would not be would so tightly wound that they are ready to shoot me over a parking space if they weren't so frantic in their lives... maybe we need to stop growing GDP and start growing GNH - Gross National Happiness.  It seems for every attempted government solution we wind up with 2 new problems to solve - and 4 new taxes to pay for the solutions.
Forget "Power Down"... how about "Frantic Down"?

"Good Grief.  What's next", indeed... What was next was another attack on our government's institutions, and the murder of innocents.  I am already seeing on my Facebook page people on the Left attempting to make political hay out of this... the problem is "Guns" or "Sarah Palin" or some other such simple explanation and if we will only do "X", this problem, and the "wing nuts", will be removed and we can all get together and sing "Kum By Ya".

Why does it not dawn on the big government, interference, and regulator crowd that maybe, just maybe, there might be something else going on here?  After all, we have people shooting our public officials and flying planes into IRS buildings... is it a "Plane" problem, too, in addition to guns?

Gerald Celente has this great quote - "When people lose everything, they lose it". Maybe.  Or maybe we have created an expectation of "having it all" or "everything" and when it does not come true people lose it.  Maybe our policies have created millions of government dependents and debtors full of anger and fury.  How many times can "Its not Fair! We're mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore from fill-in-the-blank" be broadcast to millions and millions of people before it finds its way to a lunatic willing to kill to vent his spleen?

Let me ask you something... when was the last time you heard of an Amish drive by shooting? Or even a swindle? These people have little in the way of financial wealth, and few modern conveniences... and have exactly zero murders, political assassinations, or shoplifting for that matter... clearly, they are on to something.

I am not talking about just our social policies and programs... I am talking about the Big Box Takeover of the hinterlands, and the Big Bank Takeover of the financial system... the Corporate cronyism and lobby/statute power that has corrupted our system and destroyed small towns, small business, AND the family unit across the U.S. I know the Left loves when people like me talk like that, they hate the corporations (for all the wrong reasons)... they should continue to listen... maybe even hear me... these corporate policies are what they are because they enable the vast tax collections of the Federal Government to a far greater degree than was possible from a bizzilion small businesses and merchants, the very people that ran the local institutions, owned properties, and coached Little League... before the Big Boxes put them out of business and laid waste to their small towns... these tax collections were absolutely necessary in order to fund all of the social programs that are at this moment bankrupting the nation and addicting a substantial portion of the population to programs that absolutely, positively won't be there... They enabled the far reaching decisions of the Activist Jurists of the past century that have transformed our presidents from "Commander in Chief" into "Regulator in Chief", and then they funded the bureaucracy that continues its heavy handed extortions from and harassments of Americans who have lost most of their Constitutional Rights as a result of the takeover of the judiciary by the Progressives... you know, the folks that came up with our 12,000 page income tax code.

I am a HUGE John Lennon/Beatles fan... but it seems the very people that chant "All you need is Love" and "Give peace a Chance" are unable to see the outcomes of the combinational game theory actions that they are participating in.

Listen to the words of Judge John Roll, the Federal jurist who was murdered in the Arizona shooting:

The addition of what sometimes seems to be an inexhaustible number of law enforcement agents and federal prosecutors in Tucson division has now produced a tsunami of federal felony cases far beyond the management capacity of the four active district judges in Tucson division.
Was the Judge asking for more judges? Or was he questioning the propriety of an ever expanding police state?

The Federal Government's reach, budget, and desire to control every aspect of our lives must be stopped before we have nothing of what was America remaining... and they must be stopped by us, the reasonable people that reject violence and deeply respect the value and sanctity of human life.