Political Violence

I'd like to begin this post by stating that I REJECT VIOLENCE in all its forms.


The 60's are over. Rioting in the street is just soooooo passe.

If political violence comes to pass, think Pakistan and the bombings of police stations. Think Timothy McVeigh. Think Andrew Stack (the moron that crashed a plane into the IRS building in Austin, TX).  Think Mexico's drug lords, mafioso, jihadists....

Gerald Celente is fond of saying that "when people lose everything, they lose it".  No, should political violence come to pass here in the U.S. it won't be anything so easily contained as inner city rioting.

The unintended consequences of our vitriolic political discourse have not been given their proper airing.  The smug elitism of certain groups can, and very well might, lead to their demise.

Consider Mexico.  At this time there truly IS NO BORDER with this nearly failed state. (Of course, this is where the non-thinking true believers start to see me as some kind of Xenophobe...)  The kidnapping and political murder taking place in northern Mexico could quite easily make its way DEEP into the U.S. borders states.  Think about that..... think there might be some unintended consequences to whatever policy the U.S. Government pursues?  Could our most populous state, California, sink into the muck and mire of anarchy?  It really wouldn't take much. California cannot fund its law enforcement budget at this time.

Don't worry about Newark.  The Southwest is a well armed tinder box just waiting to happen, and the Southwest is hardly our only liability.  The continued assault on individual freedoms and social control could easily result in certain groups engaging in push back.

This is to be avoided at ALL costs.  Just look at the policy response to 9/11.  The Patriot Act, et al, and the loss of freedoms too numerous to mention.... not to mention a MILLION PERSON government agency, Homeland Security, established to spy and intrude on every one of us (you can be sure that someone from that illustrious agency will read this blog and file his "report").

Is this what a free country looks like?  And the Left wants to INCREASE the size and scope of government by increasing its funding?  Our universities are FAILING us miserably.  (I have a simple solution to help Americans to think ahead: A National Chess Challenge at every American High School and college under-grad program with big scholarship money to spur interest. How can anybody claim to have a well rounded education yet cannot demonstrate an ability to think of the permutations of consequences to actions?)

America is in the midst of a Cultural Crisis of epic proportions. Freedoms are not protected, responsibility is not required, Life is not sacred, violence is worshiped in video games, movies, T.V., etc... but we seem to be incredibly concerned with the sex lives of our political leaders...

Call me crazy... but I think the Right to "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" extends to the unborn, IRS workers in Austin, Federal workers in Oklahoma City, Afghani goat herders, atheists, Fundamentalists, even pro-abortion vegetarians (although I find it difficult to suppress the urge to reach out and b*#ch slap the living sh#! out of them... just kidding! Sort of...).  But its not enough to believe something. One must also consider the unintended consequences and permutations of events from actions taken.