The Audacity of the Inexperienced, the Untested, and the Immature

I seem to be the only non-Democrat that does not hold Obama personally responsible for the GOM Horizon blow-out. That does not mean that I do not expect the Government to find its footing in short order, just that unreasonable expectations about how quickly forces and efforts can be brought to bear is endemic in our society.

That said, the BALANCE of what the non-Democrats have to say about Obama is SPOT ON (I think this is one of the most important political analysis' I have read).

Barack Obama -- a man who was as unprepared to be president as any man in our lifetime -- has over the last 16 months shown that he is overmatched by events.
The fact that a first term U.S. Senator with absolutely NO OTHER life success was elected president can be expressed in no better terms than my own "The MTVization of Politics". (Just kidding! I think its catchy... but as for being the best? I await our regular commenters crack at this.) BHO was not a self made millionaire (spare me on the "book") BHO never ran so much as a popsicle stand), pulling himself up by the boot straps and in the process showing Americans how its done. No, he is a lawyer, and a very bright one by all accounts, but being a "Constitutional Scholar" is almost the most hysterical oxymoron ever. Heck, if that works, I am going to promote myself to "Energy Scholar" or "Financial Markets Scholar"! (Sounds better than "analyst", doncha think?)

There is a good reason why America cannot address its dooming social spending programs, deficits, and energy policies. America is made of its people! A people that have been conditioned by strange forces into believing that something can be had for nothing, hard-work and effort have no account, frugality and modesty are obsolete, and human life is not worthy of respect (our solution for all problems and inconveniences? Bullets, bombs, abortions, more and more brutal "Justice" - all promulgated without a SHRED of thought for the "unintended consequences" nor any sort of "cost/benefit" analysis). It is disgustingly impressive how effectively TPTB have triangulated the people into a hodge-podge of hot button issues, allowing the extremes on either side to rule in concert as the 2 headed, one party system we all know and don't love.

Who elected/voted for BHO? Let's be BRUTALLY frank in this discussion. Was it the small business owner? The self made middle class millionaire living in flyover land? The family MAN living in a traditional household? NAFC.

Goldman Sachs' management is overwhelmingly Democrat - they went for Obama. The inner City (arguably the least productive regarding tax payments and the most costly in benefits)? 99% for BHO. Pro-Abortionists? 99% for BHO. Young people that have not supported a family, met a payroll, or a mortgage (for any length of time)? Overwhelmingly for Obama.

Don't like my analysis? TS (That is a "Tough Situation"). This is the Blogsphere, where NOTHING is sacred and where no subject - no matter how inconvenient, politically incorrect, or just plain sh*tty cannot be discussed without fear of reprisal. I read about the scientist that was working on the GOM problem was fired by the Government for some very non-P.C. writings on his website - that incident completely disabused me of the notion that anything intelligent will be done by the Government on that problem.

There's the way it is, and then there's the way you THINK it ought to be. The GOM is only the latest in a series of inconsistencies that our ELECTORATE, through their elected officials, has FUBAR. We, as a people have simply GOT to stop blaming others - even our elected officials... after all we elected them - and start taking responsibility. Not that this is a likely outcome at this moment... it is far more likely that it will be forced on us, but at least we can discuss it.

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. - Mark Twain
Obama's presidency is done; you can put a fork in it. He and Jimmy Carter will live forever in the speech circuit/book writing limbo of the folks that voted for them. This not a happy moment. I never held out much hope for BHO on issues like the social programs, the deficit, Fannie Mae et al. After all, he is a Liberal Democrat, he won, and to the victor go the spoils. I did hope that he might take a stab at reeling in the "empire", shrinking our military occupation forces around the world, and insist that the OTHER nations provide for their own security. What a joke! BHO's 2 biggest voting blocks, Feminists/Abortionists and Americans of African descent have no interest in reigning in the social programs but professed to be anti-empire. I guess not.

You can't get a little bit pregnant. The wars are bankrupting our nation and KILLING people while the P.C. crowd freaks out about Rand Paul. Well, "Me thinks THE MAN doth protest too much"... THE MAN being the the elitists populating Goldman Sachs, the U.S. Treasury, The Fed, and the current administration... it amazes me how these elites have so successfully tatooed the the racist moniker on the Tea Party folks while perpetuating the subgugation of people the world over. You see its ok to BOMB non-combatants and murder women and children, just don't point out what an abject failure the social programs have been in assimilating the inner city.

The GOM disaster is just one in a long line of challenges that our political system will fail.